I believe this is essential before you start setting new goals and making new resolutions.
When you celebrate your accomplishments,
you boost your self-confidence and self-confidence is critical for success.
Before the celebration of the accomplishments, however, I will start with the lessons -
What did I learn last year?
What did I learn last year?
Last year, I promised that by the end of the year I will transform myself into lioness :-)
I was enthusiastic to start living my life as a lioness. I felt tired to live as a mouse.
There comes a time in the lives of those destined for greatness when we must stand before the mirror of meaning and ask:
Why, having been endowed with the courageous heart of a lion, do we live as mice?
(an excerpt from Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard)
Why, having been endowed with the courageous heart of a lion, do we live as mice?
(an excerpt from Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard)
For me, personally, to transform myself from mouse into lioness, means to start doing physical exercises on a regular basis. If you read My Transformational Story, you already know that this transformation was successful. However, I still haven’t reached that top shape and that state to be fit as a fiddle. That’s my main goal for this year. Last year, I did my exercises only for 2 months. Then something happened and I stopped. Now, I’m fully aware of the reason why that happened and I’m determined to change.
(an excerpt from Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard)
A confident person for me is someone
who when fails, rises up and tries again, this time harder.
So now, I’m hungrier for success like never before :-) I’d love to share my accomplishments with you from the last year, too. Hope to inspire you to be more determined, patient and persistent on the road to success, and never ever to give up!
Sending you lots of joy and success for the New Year and always!
Celebration of the Accomplishments 2016
When you celebrate your accomplishments,
you boost your self-confidence and self-confidence is critical for success.
Accomplishments from January to June 2016 (I celebrated them on my birthday which was on June 28th) - You can read them here: http://englishwordoftheday2010.blogspot.com/2016/06/accomplishments-and-birthday.html
Below are my accomplishments from July to December 2016 :-)
Accomplishments July 2016 – Month of Brendon Burchard 
Courses by Brendon Burchard
1. Finished the course - 10 Human Drives that make you feel alive
2. Started a new course and looking forward to the book from it – The Motivation Manifesto - watched the videos from the first three weeks – extremely inspiring and energetic
3. Finished the first week from Your Next Bold Move course
4. Attended the live cast to the High Performance GPS course (3 days). My reaction after it – I felt charged up with positive energy like never before in my life
Books by Brendon Burchard
5. Finished reading The Charge Life
6. Started and finished Life’s Golden Ticket (read it twice - the ebook and the hardcover)
Other books
7. Listened to the audio version, read the book, too – Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
8. Piano lessons – 2 times per week
9. Piano practice – almost every day for 2 hours
10. Learned to play by heart – 10 short compositions
11. Watched famous pianists playing on YouTube
12. Wrote many creative stories for my blog and students
13. Followed Brendon Burchard and Marie Forleo FB’s pages – watched some inspirational videos
14. Kept my morning ritual, i.e. for my soul, body and mind – prayer, physical exercises on the background of music)) – Brendon Burchard’s podcasts
15. Got in touch with an old friend and played music together
16. Met interesting people and happy to be a part of Experts Accountability Team
17. Have set reminders on my phone – my three words which define me – determined, patient and persistent
18. Have visited the lovely Irish sea! – thanks to my Irish friend
19. Practiced Russian & German with my language exchange partners – 2 times per week
Accomplishments - August 2016 – my Month of being More Organized
1. Read once again and took notes – Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard
2. Finished the course to it – The 4 Gates to Lasting Change
3. Followed each week the Motivation Manifesto course (Extremely motivating and inspiring!)
4. Finished the second week from Your Next Bold Move course by Brendon
5. Piano lessons – 2 times per week
6. Piano playing – Practice 2 hours each day
7. Watch videos on YouTube - Piano playing of famous pianists
8. Talked with my language exchange partners in Russian and German – 2 times per week
9. Each day – Cindy Crawford’s exercises!
Accomplishments – September 2016 - Month of Role Models
Marie Forleo and Chalene Johnson
1. “Went on a date” with different workouts – some of them by Chalene Johnson, Marie Forleo, Cindy Crawford
Brendon Burchard
1. Started using the weekly planner and the daily planner by Brendon Burchard + the hour of joy
2. Started to make steps in taking a break every 60 minutes – Move, stretch, drink water!
4. Changed my diet – Included fish in my menu
5. Started implementing the philosophy - Don’t listen to the #LITTLEMAN
6. Piano lessons – 2 times per week
7. Piano playing – Practice 2 hours each day
8. Finished the Motivation Manifesto course (It has been extremely motivating, energetic and inspiring!)
9. Finished the third week from Your Next Bold Move course by Brendon
1. Created my first music composition after many years – Hero (thanks to the inspiration of Peggy from Experts Accountability Team!)
2. Created a video to it
3. Created stories for my students including in Italian language + inspirational stories
Practice Russian with my language exchange partners – every week!
Accomplishments – October 2016 – Month of Creative Expression
1. Have created many inspirational short videos
2. Have created my 9 Declarations of Personal Power + a video to it
3. Done many audio and video recordings even in Russian language – my takeaways, lessons, teaching and more
4. Started the Storytelling challenge – wrote one inspirational story – My Confidence Story
5. Created stories for my students, too
6. Created a new website and posted many articles
1. Started a new course (my present for my Name Day - Oct 26th) – Reignite Your Life by Brendon Burchard
2. Finished the fourth week from Your Next Bold Move course by Brendon
1. Read Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard (My second time reading this book - the first time was in Russian language)
2. Started reading The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie
1. Started doing Monkey Mind exercise and Beauty Witness exercise - every evening!
1. Piano Lessons – 2 times per week
2. Play the piano – Started increasing the number of hours - 3 hours a day – every morning, every afternoon and every evening!
3. Started preparing for my piano concert
1. Practice Russian with my language exchange partners – every week!
Accomplishments November – Month of Piano

1. Piano Practice – almost each day 3 hours a day – every morning, afternoon and evening
2. Piano Lessons – 2 times per week
3. Listened to famous piano players on YouTube and Facebook
1. Finished Reignite Your Life By Brendon Burchard
2. Started accent reduction lessons with Karen
1. Learned a lot from Bob Heilig about branding, promoting yourself on social media, etc. – You should own your business, not the business to own you!
1. Practice Russian with my language exchange partners – every week!
Accomplishments December 2016 – Month of Finishing Strong
2. Took a part in SC piano challenge for Christmas
3. Wrote my first real song (including the arrangement) to one of the poems of arch. Seraphim!!! – Still work in progress
Got to know many different music instruments from different countries – quite inspirational!
1. Practice piano playing - each day
2. Piano Lessons – 2 times per week
3. Started learning kids songs for my future project
2. Practice Russian with my language exchange partners – every week!
3. Got in touch with my language partners for German language
1. Finally finished Our Prayer – an Orthodox book by arch. Seraphim
2. Read the 4 Agreements by Luis Miguel Ruiz
3. Read the first two chapters – Building Champions by Jeff Piece (Planning to buy the whole book – Really inspiring stuff!)
4. Started reading Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi
1. Finished Your Next Bold Move course (the last week)
2. Finished the 30 days The Better Life Challenge by Dean Graziosi
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