My takeaways from The Motivation
Manifesto by Brendon Burchard (Get the book for free here - - We Shall Reclaim Our
Yes, rise in the morning
and write:
Who will I be today?
What dreams will I chase?
What will I create and
accomplish no matter what?
Who will I give value,
love, or appreciation to?
What will I do or
experience that will help me feel fulfilled and grateful when I rest my head to
pillow later tonight?
This is called living intentionally and independently.
This is how motivated persons live. This is manifesting a freer
Do I find what I am doing each day of my life
meaningful? Is all this busywork in line with what I feel is my life’s
These are the questions of the
We must choose this day
to finally be more intentional with what we want and what shall deserve our
golden attention.
What will give us a sense that we are once more in
command of our life’s agenda?
Clarity. Direction. Progress.
begin developing clarity about the current state of our life’s agenda by
realizing that all human experience is segmented into two fields: meaningful
activities and nonmeaningful activities. This
forces a clear distinction when evaluating our days.
Fine is the calling card of conformity.
Fine is the calling card of conformity.
Things are merely
fine in life when passion has been slowly bled from our veins. Things are
fine when we are bored stiff. Things are fine when we’ve done what
they told us to do, and we’re sick and tired of it. Things are fine when
we have been marching to the beat of someone else’s song for far too long.
Things are fine when we are aching for more adventure, more passion, more
intimacy, more creative expression, more contribution, more drive, more
independence, more freedom, more life in
our days.
If we are merely
fine, we are not alive. Should we not be amazing, excited, thrilled, fantastic, phenomenal, beyond
The final clear
indication that someone’s life agenda is not their own is constant lack of
focus. It is that terrible and never-ending distraction of the modern world that
is stealing purpose and progress from our lives.
Let us boldly ask what it
says about ourselves if we cannot pull back from our addiction to digital
distractions. For it is an addiction; we are no better off than the alcoholic
who cannot avoid the bar or the gambler the casino.
In this age of the
quantified self, we measure how many hours we slept, steps we took, calories we
burned, pages we viewed. We document our every personal move in photos and
videos. Yet we know nothing about ourselves. We spend more time checking our
stats than our souls. We mine our life experience for data but not depth. We
have all these numbers to improve but no idea how to dial back the numbness. As
much as we check in, we are checking out of our own lives and becoming
voyeuristic, peering gape-mouthed into the sordid details of other people’s
lives in order to feel connected or entertained.
If we are to measure and
monitor and improve anything, let it be our story, our character, and our
conduct— mindfulness of who we are and how we are experiencing and relating with
the world.
Reclaiming our life
agenda is about asking, “Am I proud of who I am and the person I am becoming? Am
I happy with what I am doing and contributing to the world?
Have I felt grateful for
this day and its opportunities, and have I directed myself purposefully so that
I can live my highest truth and serve my highest good?” Let us check in on
ourselves in these ways, for in the end, these are the only measures that
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