Facing angry bees 40 metres high…

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Facing angry bees 40 metres high and unattached for honey - Human Planet: Jungles, preview - BBC One – Listening Practice

An hour's passed and Tete's making impressive progress.


But he's still got a way to go.


News that honey's been found has spread quickly, and Tete's wife and kids come to watch.


When climbing big trees, you have to empty your heart of fear. Tete's finally made it to the crown of the tree but to go any further he'll have to leave the security of his vine.


If you have fear you will fall. Many friends have died doing this.


Tete's fully aware how dangerous honey gathering is, but the Bayaka believe it's bravery that makes the man, and sugar is so scarce in these forests that honey is the best nutrition Tete can provide for his family.


Tete is the best. The kids are not afraid for him. Just proud. They say, "Wow, look at Dad!"


40 metres up, and unattached, Tete can't put a foot wrong. And now the bees are beginning to attack.


He's made it to the hive, but he's got to get at the honey before being overcome by bees.


The smoke helps, but Tete's still being stung.


Finally Tete strikes gold.


Hey, it's great. There's loads of honey.


The first basket goes down to Tete's family and even thousands of angry bees can't stop the feast.


Honey is good, really good! My husband has a kind heart. He always brings me honey.


Tete takes time to savour his success. He's done enough to keep his wife sweet, treat his children and earn respect from his tribe.


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