Love Story

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Love Story for my Italian students :-)

My girlfriend stroked my hair…Then kissed me on my fronte.
-       Wake up, sweetheart!
I pretended to be asleep. She stroked my cheek and kissed me on my labbra.
-       Morning, I love you!

I love my girlfriend. I love everything about her – her beautiful green occhi, sopracciglia and ciglia, her capelli, her naso, orecchie, mento, collo, spalle, braccia, mani, dita, in basso, del seno, ombelico, cosce, ginocchia, gambe, dita dei piedi …I really love everything about her.
And as a student in medicine, I also love her cervello, polmoni, fegato, reni, intestino, vene, gola, gabbia toracica, cranio, della colonna vertebrale. You may say that is strange. sono innamorato di lei, that’s all. And sono innamorato con la medicina.

My girlfriend kissed me on my labbra again.
-       Morning, I love you! You have to take your antidolorifici, sweetheart!
-       You are my best antidolorifici, honey!
-       Still don’t forget that you hit your head and slogata la caviglia yesterday. And avete il vostro braccio al collo.
Wake up! I have to misurare la pressione sanguigna, too.
And I have to go to the drugstore. I have to buy – benda, siringhe ed aghi. And also, a box of tissues. Our little son Jerry started to starnuto e tosse.
I finally got up.
-       Be very careful with le stampelle!
-       I will. Don’t worry! I love you…

My girlfriend stroked my hair…Then kissed me on my forehead.
-       Wake up, sweetheart!
I pretended to be asleep. She stroked my cheek and kissed me on my lips.
-       Morning, I love you!

I love my girlfriend. I love everything about her – her beautiful green eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes, her soft hair, her nose, ears, chin, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, bottom, breast, belly button, thighs, knees, legs, toes…I really love everything about her.
And as a student in medicine, I also love her brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines, veins, throat, rib cage, skull, spine. You may say that is strange. I’m in love with her, that’s all. And I’m in love with medicine.

My girlfriend kissed me on my lips again.
-       Morning, I love you! You have to take your painkillers, sweetheart!
-       You are my best painkiller, honey!
-       Still don’t forget that you hit your head and sprained your ankle yesterday. And you have your arm in a sling.
Wake up! I have to measure your blood pressure, too.
And I have to go to the drugstore. I have to buy – bandage, syringe and needles. And also, a box of tissues. Our little son Jerry started to sneeze and cough.
I finally got up.
-       Be very careful with the crutches!
      -       I will. Don’t worry! I love you…


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