Learning new vocabulary and grammar is pointless if you do not…

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A question from Facebook: “I’ve learned a lot of words but I quickly forget their meaning and can’t remember them the next time…What should I do?” Doc Meme


We learn new words and grammar, so we can communicate better.

Learning new vocabulary and grammar is pointless if you do not practise them in writing, speaking and listening. So whenever, you learn a new word or a new grammar rule, try to put it into practice.

There are many sites on the net where you can practise English with someone like http://www.italki.com and http://sharedtalk.com. Exchanging letters also could help. Facebook is a good way for communication, too.

As well as that, you can practise by recording your voice. This is a great way to spot your mistakes and at the same time improve your speaking skills.

Wishing you lots of good luck!

Kind regards,



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