National Geographic - Cheetah Hunt

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National Geographic - Cheetah Hunt 

Cheetahs usually hunt alone. But in this video, 2 male cheetahs join together to attack prey much larger than themselves.


Seasonal rains bring renewed life to this parched land, attracting a herd of wildebeest, eager to feast on the succulent, sweet grasses that grow in the rain’s wake.


Over one and a half million wildebeest make this trek each year — part of the Great Migration that takes the beasts through Kenya and Tanzania.


But the journey is not without peril. And today’s stopping place happens to be within the territory of two young male cheetahs.


Cheetahs are normally solitary creatures, living a nomadic life. However male cheetahs, especially litter-mates, will sometimes live together in “coalitions,” and maintain a territory.


They hunt together, and can bring down larger prey than they would if hunting by themselves.


Well known as the fastest land mammal, cheetahs can go from 0 to 60 mph in just three seconds. Fast enough, when lucky, to overtake a lone wildebeest.


The two males size up the situation, bobbing and weaving through the wildebeest, as the wary grazers step out of the way of the big cats.


Without warning, the cheetah bolts and locks onto his intended target. Its hunting partner joins in, and the struggle to bring down the hapless wildebeest ensues.


A cheetah kills its large prey by grabbing the victim by its throat and suffocating it.


Despite their speed and agility, they are successful hunters only about half of the time.


In the end, success is with the cheetah brothers. The rest of the wildebeest herd looks on — they do not come to the aid of the downfallen.


The cheetahs will enjoy their meal — and many others like it during this time of plenty. But soon, the rains will end, and the herd will again move on…as this great migration continues.



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